Professor MaryKay Orgill (University of Nevada) is visiting the School of Life & Environmental Sciences this Friday (19th July), at Waurn Ponds campus, to present a seminar. It might be on interest to you.

Please see the details below. No need to RSVP.

Supporting the Science Learning of All Students: Science Identity and Equitable Assessment in Chemistry


Date: Friday, 19th July, 10am-11am

Room: WP, Na1.417

VMP: 36991


MaryKay Orgill

Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA


University science instructors are often tasked with meeting the needs of a student body that is culturally and linguistically diverse. In this presentation, I will discuss the results of two studies. The first focuses on the science identities of students who are from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in science, as well as strategies that schools and instructors can take to support the growth of science identities in these—and all—students. The second study focuses on English language learners’ perceptions of chemistry assessment items and presents strategies for making these assessment items more accessible for all students.