29-30 November 2012
Deakin University, Melbourne City Centre
Level 3, 550 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Keynote speakers
Dr John Ainley
Principal Research Fellow
Australian Council for Educational Research
Dr Ainley was Deputy CEO of ACER and Research Director of its National and International Surveys Program Until July 2010. He directed a number of policy-oriented research studies for education authorities and continues work on the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), the International Computer Information Literacy Study (ICILS), and the National Assessment of ICT Literacy. He chairs the New South Wales Evaluation Committee for the National Partnerships and is a member of the Ministerial Review of Literacy and Numeracy and the Consortium Advisory Group for the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. He was a member of the Technological Issues Working Group and the ICT Literacy Assessment Team for the Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills project. He is a member of the editorial board of Education Research and Evaluation..
Professor Jörg Ramseger
Director of the Centre for Research in Primary Education
Freie Universität Berlin
Professor Jörg Ramseger is Professor of Education and director of the Arbeitsstelle Bildungsforschung Primarstufe (Centre for Research in Primary Education) at the Freie Universität Berlin. He is also Vice-President of the International Academy of Innovative Pedagogy, Psychology and Economy at the Freie Universität Berlin and director of the academy’s Institute of School Development. His fields of research include school development, progressive education, innovation in education and science teaching and learning in primary schools. He has led numerous consultancy, teacher training and evaluation projects in Germany and overseas. Professor Ramseger has published 12 books and monographs, more than 120 journal articles and produced three audio-visual productions. He is also one of the principal investigators of the international EQUALPRIME research project.
Thursday 29 November
9.00 am Registration
9.30 am Welcome and opening remarks – Susie Groves
9.35 am Methods in International Comparative Surveys of Achievement – John Ainley.
10.30 am Morning Tea
10.50 am Productive Use of Quantitative Data
Chair: Russell Tytler.
- Juxtaposing Modes of Inquiry– Megan Anakin
- Reporting Assessment Analyses – Brian Doig
- Discipline-related Commitments and Identities of Out-of-Field Early Career Teachers – Linda Hobbs, Coral Campbell, Sandra Herbert and Marilyn Cole
- Satisficing in Survey Design – Scott Daniel
- Kindergarten Participation Project: Data Crunching and Reluctancy – Coral Campbell.
12.45 pm Lunch
1.35 pm Productive Use of Qualitative Data
Chair: Gaye Williams.
- Teachers’ Narratives Insights into the Norm of Practice – Hardimah Said
- Listening to Conversations and Dynamic Changing Perceptions – Christine Redman
- Researching the Imagination Through Imaginative Means – Sally Jensen
- Research in Environmental Education: Using Qualitative Data Analysis Software to Improve Educative Experiences with an Action Competence Approach – Edgar Caballero-Aspe
3.15 pm Afternoon Tea
3.30 pm Finding Evidence
Chair: Brian Doig.
- Task‐related Emotions in Mathematics Education – Fabio D’Agostin
- A Framework for Describing Some Aspects of PCK – Zahra Parvaneh
- Finding Evidence for Teacher Professional Learning – Susie Groves
- The Mutually Informing Nature of Lesson Video and Video-stimulated Interviews in Retrospective Analysis of Psychological Change – Gaye Williams.
Friday 30 November
9.00 am Looking Into Classrooms Through a Stranger’s Eyes – Methodological Aspects of Cross‐cultural Research by Means of Video – Jörg Ramseger.
9.55 am Morning Tea
10.20 am Analysing Discourse
Chair: Susie Groves.
- Using NVivo with Video Data – Kathy Swinkels
- Methodological Framing of Comparative Video Analysis of Reasoning in Science Classrooms – Russell Tytler
- In Search of the Zone of Proximal Development – John Kusznirczuk
- Semiotic Analysis of Student Use of Multi-agent Based Modeling Software (NetLogo) in Making Meaning of Complex System – Joseph Ferguson
12.00 pm Lunch
12.50 pm Collaborative Practitioner Research Designs
Chair: John Cripps Clark.
- Supporting and Understanding Classroom Learning Using Design Research – Wanty Widjaja
- Designed Experiments In Mathematics Education Research – Theodosia Prodromou
- Demonstration Lessons: A Context for Research of a Research Methodology? – Colleen Vale
- Research Methodology ‘On the Run’ – Coral Campbell and Gail Chittleborough
2.30 pm Afternoon Tea
3.00 pm Theoretical Frameworks Chair: Wanty Widiaja.
- Phenomenographic Investigation of Rate – Sandra Herbert
- Researching Concept Mapping Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory Collaboration and Activity in the Zone of Proximal Development – John Cripps Clark
- Time to Celebrate the Stories of Science Teachers – Rod Fawns, Sol Di Maggio and Robert Roe
- Using the ‘Most Significant Change’ Methodology to Study Innovations in Pre‐service Science Education – Paul Chandler, Nick Reynolds, Christine Redman and Adam Staples.
4.30 pm Closing Session.
5.00 pm Symposium Ends.
Posted Oct 27, 2012
Deakin University, Melbourne City Centre Level 3, 550 Bourke Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000