28-29 November 2013
Deakin University, Melbourne City Centre
Level 3, 550 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Keynote speakers
Associate Professor Nikolai Veresov
Faculty of Education
Monash University.
Associate Professor Nikolai Veresov is the author of the book Undiscovered Vygotsky, published by Peter Lang in 1999. He has published more than 70 book chapters and papers in 11 languages. He has worked in Russia and Finland. SInce 2003 he has been a Full Member of Russian Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. Currently Nikolai Veresov holds the position of Associate Professor in Early Childhood, in the Faculty of Education, Monash University. His research interests focus on child development, cultural-historical theory and research methodology.
Professor Christine Halse
Deakin University.
President, Asia-Pacific Education Research Association.
Professor Christine Halse is a sociologist of education. Her writing and research has focused on issues of culture, diversity and the implications for education policy, practice and curriculum. She has held continuous ARC and government funded research grants throughout her academic career. Despite specialising in qualitative research methods, particularly biographical methods, the bulk of her funded research has involved multiple research methods, including the development of validated scales and instruments. This presentation draws on the methodological lessons learned across these studies.
Thursday 28 November
9.00 am Registration
9.30 am Welcome and opening remarks – Susie Groves
9.35 am Pistols at Twenty Paces? The Qualitative and Quantitative Debate and Methodological Pluralism – Professor Christine Halse.
10.30 am Morning Tea
10.50 am
12.30 pm Lunch
2.15 pm
3.15 pm Afternoon Tea
3.30 pm
Friday 29 November
8.30 am Registration
9.00 am Cultural-historical Research Methodology: What is It and How Does It Work? -Associate Professor Nikolai Veresov
10.00 am Morning Tea
10.20 am
1.10 pm Lunch
1.50 pm
3.35 pm Afternoon Tea
4.35 pm Closing Session.
5.00 pm Symposium Ends.
Aranda, George
Translating Across Methodologies: Neuroscience and Education
Burton, Frances
The Visibility of Mathematics to Educators in Pre-school Settings – Case study methodology with mixed methods
Ferguson, Joseph
Collecting and Managing Multiple Video Data Sources for Visual Semiotic Analysis of Science Students’ Reasoning with Digital Representations
Hobbs Linda, Jones Mellita, King Jeff, Chittleborough Gail, Redman Christine, Campbell Coral, Kenny John, Herbert Sandra
Science Teacher Educator Partnerships with Schools (STEPS) : Developing an Interpretive Framework for Primary Science Teacher Education
Jacobs, Brendan
Implementing a QUAL-qual Methodology Using a Prism Metaphor for the CHAT triangle
Kusznirczu, John
Operationalising the ZPD as a Semantic Space in the ‘I Spy’ Trope
Understanding Mathematical Thinking Through Narrative Accounts of Syncretic Thought
McCrohon, Mark
Towards a Digital Methodology for Qualitative Research
Symington David, Cripps Clark John, Tytler Russell
Speaking the Language of the Outsider
Tytler, Russell
Aligning Socio-cultural, Classroom Perspectives on Learning with Neuroscience Perspectives and Findings
Wright, Frederick H
A Socioculturally Informed Approach to Scaffolding CALD Students Learning
Posted Jan 13, 2013
Deakin University, Melbourne City Centre Level 3, 550 Bourke Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000