The Graduate Certificate in Secondary Digital Technologies (GCertSDigTech) is an exciting opportunity for out-of-field Digital Technologies teachers to enhance their confidence, skills and professional agency as credentialled in-field teachers.
The course is funded by the Victorian Department of Education and delivered via a collaboration between the Deakin University School of Education and School of Information Technology. It supports teachers to build familiarity and confidence with Digital Technologies curriculum content, as well as skills in designing and implementing contemporary approaches to Digital Technologies teaching and learning.
Content from each of the Digital Technologies strands is explicitly addressed in the course, together with innovative approaches to pedagogy, curriculum design, and assessment. Particular attention is given to addressing the needs of diverse students and responding to the settings and circumstances found in the enrolled teachers’ schools. The course will include inspiring hands-on intensive days that: expose enrolled teachers to cutting-edge digital technology developments and world-class digital technologies laboratories; illustrate applications to industry and relevance to workplaces and careers; provide presentations by curriculum experts and exemplary teachers; and facilitate opportunities for teachers to share experiences and resources.
Teachers will be supported to develop their own goals within the course in support of their specific professional circumstances and aspirations. Additional face-to-face and online support will be provided for returning to study. This study support will be embedding into teaching and learning sessions where enrolled teachers will have opportunities to strengthen their academic skills.
Is this for me?
Are you currently teaching 7-10 Digital Technologies out-of-field, without full qualifications in the field?
Do you want to earn a funded qualification to improve your knowledge and practice in teaching Digital Technologies?
[link to Deakin course page when available] [link to DE SSTM webpage]