Research Programs

Teachers and Teaching: Teacher learning and practice, leading school and system change
This program has a strong focus on researching teacher learning approaches including design based research, developing and promoting evidence-informed pedagogies, supporting out of field teachers, and approaches to school change.

Innovative, Contemporary Curriculum: Policy, practice, and partnerships
The MSET-Ed research group is increasingly active in the area of school and industry partnerships exploring contemporary disciplinary and interdisciplinary STEM practices. MSET-Ed researchers are leading thinking in interdisciplinarity and societal futures through high level policy input at national level and internationally through OECD, UNESCO and European Union involvement.

Justice and Equity: Decolonising practices, gender equity
MSET-Ed researchers are pursuing several projects focused on justice and equity in mathematics and science and STEM education generally.

Learners and Learning: Critical and creative reasoning and learning, modelling
Preparing students for futures that will require an expanded range of capabilities is the focus of this MSET-Ed research program.

Methodological Innovation
Across all MSET-Ed programs there is an explicit focus on methodological innovation and theory practice relations. The annual CAR symposium is a continuing test bed for the group’s research deliberations. Contemporary Approaches to Research MSET-Ed researchers are dedicated to methodological innovation and have demonstrated strength in a range of contemporary…